Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So....Where have I been?

I will be honest..I have been feeling sorry for myself. Soooo sick of being pregnant and yet I haven't even hit my due date yet! I have posted some pics of myself...I have stopped caring what I look like...I am just warm, fat, and uncomfortable. I just want to meet this little girl. So progress....I think I have contractions, but I really don't know because I have never been pregnant before! I had an appointment last week on Thursday and I was not dialated or effaced. That was depressing....but I know I just need to be patient! I went in this morning and she told me that again - I was not quite a centimeter but I was 60% effaced...so that wasn't horrible news. I am just so sick of this whole thing...I am crabby and need a change!! I need to not be pregnant any more! Now I just want to remind everyone that I know I need to wait until she is ready but I am just eager...and I am 39 weeks on Friday...so it isn't like I am asking for something outrageous..Wish me luck! I promise I will try to be in a better mood when I post again!

34 weeks

35 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks

38 weeks
Honey....We are sad that we haven't gotten to meet you yet, but when you are ready we will be waiting for you...
love you,
mommy and daddy


Bryan and Ashley said...

Awh, Jenna hang in there. Those last few weeks are by far the hardest. I remember thinking every day felt like a month. We can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful little girl!

Anonymous said...

awww Jenna, your still so cute though, dont worry that little girl might just be alittle stubborn like her mommy so be patient, hang in there and it will be wonderful and ALL worth it when you are holding her!! PS: why dont you make your husband take the pictures of you insted of you doing it in the bathroom.. ;) LOL! they are cute pictures anyway... enjoy the little one and cant wait to see the first baby post!!!

Mandy said...

Dear baby B,
I just want to let you know how excited I am to meet you! My mommy was telling me last night that you have been giving your mommy a really hard time the last few days. I know it is really scarey to think of leaving that cushiony place in your mommy's belly, but it really isn't so bad out here. I would be lying if I said it isn't really cold for the first few minutes, but let me tell you how many people want to cuddle with you and keep you warm. And the best part is you have what they call a 'family' and they are really cool. I was told that we share half of the same family and let me tell you how much I like them. We have the same grandma and grampa and they really like to snuggle and kiss me, so I bet they will want to do the same thing to you. And that Aunie Brit, well, she is pretty crazy too. I really don't know what she looks like because she flashes this silver thing in my face all the time that makes me see spots. last, but definitly my facorite is my mommy and daddy, they are really excited to meet you too!! So please come play with me, I promise it is a much better place out here!

Your cousin Camden