Monday, January 17, 2011

Parenting 101

Christmas 2010! We had lots of fun. My camera lens broke :-( So, I had to use my old camera for some of the following pictures. You will be able to tell which ones. You don't appreciate how nice your camera is until it is broken! I have ordered a new it for half price on I have to wait like a month to get it.

How do you all feel about time outs?? Is Gracelyn too young? I can tell you that I know she understands most of what I say and knows exactly what she is doing when she is naughty. I will tell her not to do something, she will do it, and then she will look up at me, tilt her head, smile, and say, "hi mama". Seriously! I am going crazy! Any input would be great.

I have learned, however, that a 20 month old knows way more than I thought they did before I became a mother! Way more! We have full blown conversations! "Do want some milk?" - mama "Yes" - gracelyn Pause "No night night ma-ma" - gracelyn "No you don't have to go night night yet" - mama "I love you mama" - gracelyn (backstory - I usually ask her if she wants a drink before she goes to bed. So now if I ask her if she wants something to drink at night - she assumes its time to go to bed - smart cookie that girl!)

Also, the girl has her dad wrapped around her little finger. How am I supposed to raise a empathetic, respectful, non-spoiled child if he always gives in?? Can you tell I am having one of those days? I have a bad cold and a child who is testing me at every corner!

Night Night!


Ledebuhr Family said...

Get ready for a long comment.....

1) We've started giving Reilly time away (not time outs just yet) at the dinner table. He screams about everything - even if he's not mad. We push his chair away from the table and make him say sorry. Do it all over again. Last night it was probably 10+ times of this.

2) I have a co-worker whose daughter is Gracelyn's age (almost to the day). They use time outs. She's said how hard it is because Gia's so little, but you have to be consistent and firm - not necessarily "mean".

3) Eric gives in to EVERYTHING. We had a talk the other night about not being Reilly's favorite or best friend, but being his dad. I think it sunk in a little.

Good'll pull through. Just like you did when we were kiddos raising our little sisters in your basement ;)

adam and andrea said...

Hey there!

Love Anna's's what we do...

We've started time-outs (a modified version) since he's still too little to understand, but old enough to act like a juvenile delinquent.

When he commits some kind of an offense (usually biting or hitting), we use a very firm voice and say "no hit, no bite" (we try to use minimal words so he doesn't get confused. Then I take him away from the situation (usually to a corner by the stairs) and sit in "time out" with him (which usually involves me holding him), then we repeat "no hit" or whatever it was until he calms down. It usually works (although sometimes not the first, second, third, or fourth time...)

Brady screams at the dinner table too - throws his plate, food, cup, spoon, everything...we usually ignore the behavior and take away whatever he is throwing. Brady majorly looks for reactions, so if we ignore him or the behavior, he usually moves on to terrorizing something else fairly quickly.

Consistency is key - Adam and I have to make sure we're disciplining consistently, because Brady tests both of us to see what he can get away with. They're such little stinkers!! : )

It's such a tough age because they really can't quite understand consequences.

Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

....and I have to laugh because Im gonna learn from you Jenna!! Oh I how I CANT wait! kinda funny, 2 girls, and 2 boys in this situation explaning here- Im sure kyleigh will be the same way, as weve already noticed how stong willed she is! So funny the our husbands the ones that are the sappy ones and give in..I am Super strict and maybe alittle more strict then I should be, but I knew as mommy instinct would, that I would be this way. I can only imagine it will get worse with age, as discipline becomes alittle more frequent.
good luck and Ill be asking you these same questions in about a year.

The Boeckmann's said...

Thank so much for all the input! I certainly don't feel as alone as I did before!! We just keep truckin' and I am feeling good about sticking to what I say with her. I want her to know that there are going to be consequences for her actions! Thanks again!