Over the holidays we got to spend lots of time with friends and family and Gracelyn got way too many presents. I often wonder how all of her gifts will fit in our house, birthday after birthday, Christmas after Christmas...and I only have one! What do I do after I have 3 kids when they are all receiving presents? We will have to be good at donating toys as we are receiving new ones!
Gracelyn is our little ray of sunshine..she has a ton of attitude. Yelling out demands constantly. I am saying, "How do you ask me nicely?" about twenty times a day. She comes in our room in the morning and says, "It's good morning time" "Get up Momma". When we play house she says to me, "You are the Gracelyn and I am the Momma". She often tells me that things are "ridiculous" or "terrible"...Sometimes she says things and I think to myself, "Where did you learn these words?" And I have been known to get myself in trouble....One morning not long ago she woke up and said, "I feel like crap this morning!" Oh no! Where did she learn this new phrase? Then like a week later I find myself telling Ben, that I "felt like crap". So I officially need to start watching what I say in front of her. She is a 13 year old in a 2 year old body. She keeps us on our toes!
She loves gum (thanks grandma), playing babies, painting, watching "Good Luck Charlie", pickle chips, brushing other peoples hair, and dancing. She has made my dream of having a dancer come true. I taught her a whole routine the other night and we performed it for my family last weekend in the Dells. We went to the "Wilderness"...tons of fun was had by all! So she is my funny, dancing, smiley girl who sometimes "feels like crap"...
Perfect example of her attitude...
I step away for one moment during "paint" time and...
The "Torud" Cousins on Christmas Eve
The Fam...
Auntie Mandy!
The Fredrickson Kids! - Ben's Nieces and Nephew
Madison Children's Museum!
Getting ready for the pool!
Our Gracelyn Girl
And I will leave you with one more cute story. Gracelyn loves to dance on her own, but, of course, occasionally enjoys having a partner. Recently, whenever she is dancing hand and hand with another person she will say, "we are married". The stuff two year olds come up with. The other night Gracelyn asked her daddy to dance with her and she told him that they were "married"...it is true that the first person that little girls imagine marrying is their dad. She is no exception. When asked who she wants to marry when she gets older, she always answers, "my daddy"..It will be a sad day for daddy when her answer eventually changes!